Golden 4 Life

Hello! I'm Helen Golden

I'm a personal fitness and wellness coach/trainer. I've been in this space for over 30 years. I started in college, a co-ed at The University of Alabama. I was helping friends get fit and pass their ROTC fitness test. That took me into teaching fitness classes part time on campus and at the local YMCA. And the rest is history! I've been teaching and training clients since then. I teach and am certified in just about every format there is under the Fitness umbrella. I know the importance of injury prevention, which is why I combine a solid practice of strength training with flexibility. I practice 4 components of a well rounded LIFE. And under each component, there are 4 elements which are very important pieces.

1) Longevity;

  1. physical activity

  2. nutrition

  3. sleep

  4. socialization

2) Fitness;

  1. Strength

  2. Flexibility

  3. Cardio/aerobic

  4. Balance

3) Mother Nature ;

  1. Earth

  2. Air

  3. Fire

  4. Water

4) Seasons/periods we work with... not against

  1. Winter

  2. Spring

  3. Summer

  4. Fall

Contact Me!


1794 Olympic Pkwy, Unit 140, Park City, UT 84098